Important Bug Out Bag Considerations
Important Bug Out Bag Considerations
Most survival blogs talk about bug out bags and all the potential items that you need to pack inside them. While there are always things that we need to pack, it is still astonishing to see that these survival blogs don’t ask the readers to consider what exactly they will be using their bug out bag for. This is a very important consideration and one that we will address here.
What Contents Go In My Bug Out Bag?
Is the phrase ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ too broad for you? It should be because that is what most survivalist blogs preach which ends up getting people into trouble. Your bag need not contain everything you need to cover every conceivable scenario or need. Plus you have to consider that all these “needs” might end up weighing more than you may be able to carry. If your bug out bag is designed to keep you alive for 72 or so hours its contents should really depend on where you think you are going. The bug out is not a vacation, and packing all of life’s little luxuries should not be part of the bag.
Ask Yourself Where You Are Going
This is an often overlooked question and adheres to having a bug out plan. Do you fear a government takeover, a zombie apocalypse, natural disaster, WWIII? Where will you be going if the above situations happen? Will you be running into the woods on-foot and camping out there? Will you be running to some unknown destination and camping out in the streets? If you were preparing for a potential life-threating situation you might substitute your roll-up bedding for more ammo. Or, if you were just getting out of town because you feared disease in the city, you might be better to pack for the woods.
While yes, it is true that your bug out bag can be the ‘prepare for the unknown bag’ there are still some scenarios that may be more common than others and should be reflected in the gear that goes in your bag.
Just remember, the three basic necessities that you will need to address are food, water and shelter. You can very well wear the same shirt for days on the end so I disagree with those who say clothing is a major priority. Then again, if you live in Alaska clothing may be the most important thing to you should you decide to go into the bush.
Packing Smart
Your bug out bag is designed to help you survive for an unforeseen amount of time. Think smart about the supplies that will go in there. The food and water should be addressed first, as should the consideration of where you will be sleeping and how you will need to prepare for that. Add the first aid kit and a good survival knife in there and you have most of your true basics covered. If you foresee that you might spend a great deal of time carrying your bag, you might think twice about making it 75-pounds.
Always remember that your bug out bag is first there to help you in a situation where you need to move, fast. After you have satisfied your need to eat and drink water, finding a place to rest your head will follow suit. The process of bugging out is not generally associated with comfort and joy, nor is it associated with having the luxury of going to a safer town in your car. In addition to food, water and shelter, mobilization should also be paramount.
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I think here you have given a reason to think. I am agree with you that before selecting the content you should decide that where you are going. Because all depend on the area and its needs. Except this keep the other important things in bug out bag such as bottle, knife and others which are helpful in handling critical situations. Hey admin i shared my ideas about bug out bag items. I think, you have to check it: