Survival Bracelets & Survival Gear – Paracord

Survival Bracelet Quick Facts:
- Paracords (parachute cord) survival bracelets were made popular by the military – used in the suspension lines of US paratroopers during WWII
- Made of lightweight nylon kernmantle rope
- The rope has an inner core protected by a woven exterior sheath
- The name Kernmantle is German for “coat protected core.”
- Kernmantle ropes are popular for use in sailing, climbing, and other sports
- Designed to optimize strength, durability, and flexibility
- In the military, the paratroopers used the rope for numerous tasks in addition to parachuting in which light weight cordage was needed
As the paracord can be used in virtually any situation a rope can be imagined, it soon became popular for civilian usage – especially survivalism.
The advent of the survival bracelet resulted from a need for a survivalist to have instant access to the rope in a convenient and wearable form. These bracelets are made of several feet of paracord and can be unraveled when they need to be used.
Each bracelet typically comes with about 14’-25’ of paracord and fits even the biggest of wrists. They also feature side release buckles so you can get rid of them in the event your fashion statement doesn’t meet the suit and tie gala that your survival mission has brought you too. They are great for hikers or for usage in the woods when you want an extra tool that is comfortable and convenient to wear around your wrist or belt.
Selecting Your Survival Bracelet
Paracord bracelets or survival bracelets are available at almost any outdoor sporting store or various locations online. There are differing lengths and strengths available and all paracord bracelets are not created equal. Some of the products are made to specific specs whereas others may differ from the quality that the military used in their application. These lesser quality brands may contain fewer strands in the sheath or core, may be constructed of bulk fibers rather than individual yarns, or may have nylon substitutes. The military issue paracord is specified by the MIL-C-5040H descriptor and comes in six types: I, IA, II, IIA, III, and IV. Type III is commonly found in commercial use and is rated with a minimum breaking strength of 550 pounds. These ropes have seven inner yarns each made up of three strands. If you are searching for a quality 550 cord be sure that it matches these specifications for authenticity.